Empowering Communities to Create A Positive Change

Prof. Muhammad Afzal Mirza

About Darvaish Welfare

Darvesh welfare is a non profit organization working since 2019 to provide food, education and health services to those in need.

Our aim is to help those in need of basic necessities including Food, Education, and health services. we have started from a small scale, identifying and helping people around us, and expanding the scale gradually. We also plan to launch campaigns for the long term impact in health and education sector, and providing the opportunities to people in need to earn their living with honor and dignity.

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Our Mission

Knowledge is for all, and Education is the primary source of knowledge. Our vision is to facilitate the access to knowledge.

Enable A Child

Enable a child to go to school by taking responsibility of educational expenses. from primary to higher education

Enable A School

Help us in improving schools, starting from basic needs like building , furniture etc. to advanced facilities like access to technology.

Empower A Teacher

Help us in arranging training workshops for school teachers to maximize the impact of their input.


Successful Campaign


Running Campaigns


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What We Achieved

Darvaish Welfare organizations work towards improving the lives of people and communities. Some of their achievements include:

They Need Your Help!

Its not how small the amount is, thing that matters is your sincere intention and passion for helping the poor